加藤雅俊 Masatoshi Kato
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センター肩書 Title
本務校 Mail affiliation
専門分野 Fields of specialization
現在の研究テーマ Current research themes
主要業績 Selected publications
個人ホームページ Personal Webpage
- センター長 Director
本務校 Mail affiliation
- 関西学院大学経済学部 (教授) School of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University (Professor)
専門分野 Fields of specialization
- イノベーションの経済学 Economics of Innovation
- アントレプレナーシップの経済学 Economics of Entrepreneurship
現在の研究テーマ Current research themes
- スタートアップ企業の生存・退出 Survival and exit of start-up firms
- スタートアップ企業のイノベーション・知的財産 Innovation/IPRs in start-up firms
- スタートアップ企業の経営者交代 CEO succession in start-up firms
- スタートアップ企業の家族従業員の役割 Role of family members in start-up firms
主要業績 Selected publications
- - Alex Coad and Masatoshi Kato "Growth Paths and Routes to Exit: ‘Shadow of Death’ Effects for New Firms in Japan," Small Business Economics, forthcoming.
- - Masatoshi Kato, "Founders’ Human Capital and External Knowledge Sourcing: Exploring the Absorptive Capacity of Start-up Firms," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 29, 184-205, January 2020.
- - Masatoshi Kato and Haibo Zhou, "Numerical Labor Flexibility and Innovation Outcomes of Start-up Firms: A Panel Data Analysis," Technovation, 69, 15-27, January 2018.
- - Masatoshi Kato and Yuji Honjo, "Entrepreneurial Human Capital and the Survival of New Firms in High- and Low-Tech Sectors," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 25, 925-957, November 2015.
- Masatoshi Kato, Hiroyuki Okamuro, and Yuji Honjo, "Does Founders' Human Capital Matter for Innovation? Evidence from Japanese Start-ups," Journal of Small Business Management, 53, 114-128, January 2015. - - Masatoshi Kato and Hiroyuki Odagiri, "Development of University Life-Science Programs and University-Industry Joint Research in Japan," Research Policy, 41, 939-952, June 2012.
- - Hiroyuki Okamuro, Masatoshi Kato, and Yuji Honjo, "Determinants of R&D Cooperation in Japanese Start-ups," Research Policy, 40, 728-738, June 2011.
- - Masatoshi Kato and Yuji Honjo, "The Persistence of Market Leadership: Evidence from Japan," Industrial and Corporate Change, 18, 1107-1133, December 2009.
個人ホームページ Personal Webpage